Tuesday, August 10, 2010

new member to the 【C】hicky family

All these happened in two weeks ago (if I am not mistaken...)
It is a miracle for "him/her" to survive!
Out of 5 eggs - 3 failed, 1 hatched but stupid hen step/sit on it and ends up dead.
Left the one and only one dropped on the floor, cracked a lil..
But eventually, with the care and love from Dr. Lim. LOL (not me...)
the egg hatched successfully and poof...(see the following picture...)

(this is how it looks like after 2 weeks...)

Dr. Lim was the one who witness the process (I guess...)
Hence, we now promote him to be the chicky's father.
and let the wife be the chicky's mother as well. XD

Perhaps lil chicky will make a good mascot for DIGI's ad
"I will follow you...~~"
hahaha, look at the video below and u know what I mean.. =P

took some pictures while playing with 'him/her' this evening...