Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Coming Payday.

The coming payday will be this Thursday, or maybe Friday. It's not gonna be much. Just a slightly more than the first pay. How should I spend it?

Oh man~ So many things to spend on.

Probably I would go for another tub of protein and that will already finished half of my pay ='( Hoping that it will be worth it. The other half, I might as well go for some nice meals ;)

Also, I wanted to get some skincare products too if manage to get friend to recommend me some good one. My face soon will be 'rotten', gotta do something about it. But, I am not sure my pays will be enough for all these :'(

Plus, I wanna get a tripod for July's trip! It will cost more than a tub of protein! Unless I get a lousy quality tripod.

Damn it, so many things I wanna get but my financial resources is limited.

And that makes me start to become money minded nowadays.

PS: I don't smoke =)

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